The MSTIC-23-03 Hybrid Collaboration Event took place at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown on March 14th & 15th.  This event  included a focused discussion on the Navy’s Accelerated Training in Defense Manufacturing (ATDM) program and Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence located in Danville, VA as well as the introduction of Additive Manufacturing projects within MSTIC.  The agenda also included Keynote Speaker, Mr. Matthew D. Sermon (SES), a MSTIC program update, update from the NSWCPD Technical Director, SON briefs, member introductions, one-on-one opportunities, and more.

Potential SONs (pending and subject to change; additional topics to be added upon receipt):

Project Name Description
AFR&PI Electronic Throttle Control Unit – Modernized
COTS LHDA Machinery Control System Tech Refresh
R&D/ Power Systems Modeling Surface Combatant Machinery Digital Prototypes – Systems Model
R&D/ Power Systems Modeling Surface Combatant Machinery Digital Prototypes – Physics Model
R&D/Controls HM&E DevSecOps Afloat Computing System
FIT Additive Component Manufacturing (No Parts)
FIT Additive Component Manufacturing (Parts)
R&D/Power System M&S Navy Active Magnetic Test Rig
L&SCM Generalized Operator-Maintainer Repair Tools
TBD Enterprise Funded Task Tracking System Migration/Evolution from Confluence to Future System
COTS DDG FLI Class, MK41 VLS Air Charging System Pressure Regulation
R&D/Neutral Network_Machine Learning Prototype Middleware Computational Engineering Tool
R&D/Neutral Network_Machine Learning Prototype 10Ni Steel Casting
R&D/Neutral Network_Machine Learning Prototype Cast HY-130
R&D/Power System M&S Stability Design and Assessment for Electronic Power
R&D/Neutral Network_Machine Learning Embedded CBM+ Edge Computing Node
R&D/Power Distribution USN Common Sourced Power Supply
FIT Additive Manufacturing R&D/In-Service Transition SOPs
TBD SPIR (Defect), Risk and Fielding Analysis and Tools Prototype